Application of aluminium foil and self-adhesive film

Type, thickness and dimensions of the individual materials to which the coating of the aluminium foil or self-adhesive film should be applied must be agreed!



The best soundproofing, sound-absorption and damping material with the highest sound absorption in the range of 500-1250Hz.

Usage:buses/trucks/agriculture/military equipment/

Temperature range: 200-500°C




Soundproofing, sound-absorption and damping material with sound absorption from 630 Hz to 2500 Hz, ideally used in spaces where IZOMAT doesn’t fit.

Usage:buses/trucks/agriculture/military equipment/


AMS – heavy foil


Heavy-duty insulating film to prevent vibrations, shocks and other mechanical influences, based on chlorinated polyethylene with a mineral filler and other additives, with the best properties at 4200 Hz, produced in a thickness of 3mm.

Usage:machines/cars/military equipment/




Soundproofing, sound-absorption and damping multi-layer material, composed of a fibreglass cloths, which are joined by a method of stitching and used in an environment up to 800 °C, produced in a thickness of 19 + 2-2mm. Ideal for infrared applications.

Usage:heat registers or heaters/sauna/fire-places/




Soundproofing, sound-absorption and damping material combining the properties of IZOMAT and the AMS HEAVY-DUTY FILM, produced in thicknesses of 28+2-3mm a 33+2-3mm.

Usage:buses/trucks/agriculture/military equipment/machines/cars/




Soundproofing, sound-absorption and damping material: soundproofing, sound-absorption and damping material combining the properties of AL-ARALAMINA and the AMS HEAVY-DUTY FILM, produced in thicknesses o 8+2-1mm, 12+2-1mm and 18+1-2mm.

Usage:buses/trucks/agriculture/military equipment/pipes/distribution cabinets/chimneys/cars/industrial and military vehicles/machines/


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