The manufacture of soundproofing, sound-absorption and damping materials resistant to temperatures up to 800 °C.

The main subject of activity is the manufacture and sale of insulating laminated materials with unique soundproofing, sound-absorption, damping and thermal-insulating properties. Our products perfectly dampen sound, noise and vibrations caused by aggregates or different vehicle engines. IZOLEX products have proven to be best in insulating the engine compartments of trucks, buses, agricultural machinery, tractors, turbines and special military equipment. Sound insulation materials are used in a temperature range of 100 °C to 800 °C and their main component is stitched glass fibre. Various materials are bonded/laminated to improve and complement the various characteristics and therefore create the original, combined properties of the final product. Surfaces are reinforced with aluminium foil on one side and self-adhesive film on the other. This allows bonding of laminated insulating materials to the surfaces to be insulated and the aluminium foil reflects heat radiation, thereby preventing the heat from spreading to the protected area.

We have many years of experience in the production of sound-insulating and heat-insulating materials and we are one of the major brands in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

IZOLEX Bratislava, a.s. was founded in 2006 as a 100% subsidiary of Technické sklo, a.s. and took over the production programme of its IZOMAT division, founded in 1980. Currently, IZOLEX Bratislava, a.s. successfully continues to develop the original production programme as a stand-alone and independent company.

Until 2016, our target group were companies producing trucks and high-temperature machines mainly in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, France and the Russian Federation.

Since 2017, our goal has been to cover the markets of the V4 countries, Western EU and the European parts of the former Soviet Union with our products as well as the acquisition of a strategic partner in the field of low temperature insulations.

Our mission:

Pis to soundly and reliably help manufacturers to isolate sound and heat sources and reduce vibration transfers to the environment.

Since 2008, we have held the Quality Management System Certificate EN ISO 9001.


The most suitable choice for reducing unwanted vibrations and preventing wear and discomfort are anti-vibration materials

machines, cars, industrial and military vehicles.


Thermal insulation

With a resistance of up to 500 °C our thermal insulating materials are the absolute tops of their department.

heat registers or heaters, sauna, fire-places.


Thermal-sound insulation

Ideal solution to static heat sources, chimneys, heat registers or heaters

buses, trucks, agriculture, military equipment, pipes, distribution cabinets, chimneys.


Hybrid (combined)

Expert combination of our best materials into one class of hybrid materials to achieve extra features and a wide range of uses

buses, trucks, agriculture, military equipment, pipes, distribution cabinets, chimneys, machines, cars, industrial and military vehicles.


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